•10:38 PM

Why is it that every person dosen't remember the simple things which bring happiness to them , which come their way without even asking or expecting about it and why is it that most of us crib about the things which we want, never happened?
We do cherish sweet memories, but many of us still complain about things which didn't or don't happen the way we want them to and get depressed. When talking about old memories , at some point in the conversation we'd say ' I wish it happened' or 'I wish my parents said ' ... and later on we keep repeating those three words ' I just wish ', be it personal or professional.
Many of my friends come to me with silly problems like, ' I didn't get selected by that company but my friend got thru' or 'why is it that my parents always scold me and not to my bro/sis' . I wonder why they are wasting their time about the very small things.
I've even seen some people who say "whatever happens, happens for our own good" and yet they still say i just wish !
I'm not saying that i never cribbed about anything. When I was a kid, there were many times when even i wished for. I never complained about the petty things when i grew up!
Well let me be frank , sometimes I did.

A few hrs back I was sharing my college life memories with uday and suddenly I started complaining about the mumbai trip which i wanted to go with my friends but couldn't . It was an educational tour.. we had to go to the mumbai port and study the process of shipping the goods etc etc... and that my parents didn't agree to it.
HA!.. now look who started complaing :D
And while i started to write here, I realised that its the tendency of every human being , no matter how hard we try to forget the bad memories , we still complain about it all the time.
Life is filled with surprises.. a mixture of good and bad ..."Accept both" is my mantra from now on. But if we start complaining, then we'll miss the very best days or the best moments of our life ahead.
Plus, Life ain't challenging if it's filled with only happiness.
hey me 1st :-D
u knw wat ppl say rite .. u neva knw wat u hav until it's gone ... and pl r not wise enuf to stop cribbing and goin on wit life coz no1 is dat wise!!! ;-)
when we face failure, we do have to let it out in someway or the other, rather than bottling it up inside and not able to move ahead. so complaining once in a while is okies .. I guess.
As long as u r able to drain out all the -vity and march ahead!!!
This y has no answer. I think it is basic human nature to always think that "the grass is greener on the other side".
We fail to understand that there is so much around us to enjoy rather than regret that which has passed by us!
Enjoy each moment, God knows what is best for u!
Take care,
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a valuable comment.
cos it's human nature to feel that grass is always greener on the other side...I know, it sucks when they do that...
well written!...its an ideal state...but guess that what we human are like...the more we get the more we want else The world would be a completely different place!
Its something that one has to constantly try and change in oneself!
suddenly I started complaining about the mumbai trip which i wanted to go with my friends but couldn't
u wont believe it was the same case here except the place was different... n when i had said this around 4-5 times my mom warned me not to utter tht again
but this is human tenedency n hard to put it behind
Archie gaaru ;)
was away from bloggin for sometime...u kno wot,i nvr used 2 crib till i came 2 col..somehow i hve started bitchin arnd a lot these days :O...i wanna change tat n am tryin :)
firstly a biig sorry for not regularly blog hopping...
secondly belated holy wishes..
thirdly the much awaiting comment :P
Life is lyk a box of chocs.Howver, it may contain traces of nuts...
nd guess wot i relish chocolates w ith nuts more:P