Author: ArChaNaR
•8:42 PM
Word of the Worlds site is down . Its been 2 days now[i.e yesterday n today]
Im trying to contact my hosting company and see what is happening but so far there ain't any response.
Author: ArChaNaR
•6:02 PM
Okie guys I've been tagged by
Aravind and I feel its interesting
The rules of the game:
1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.2. Need to mention the sex of the target.3. Tag 8 victims to join this game & leave a comment on their comments saying they’ve been tagged.4. If tagged the 2nd time, there’s no need to post again.
My perfect lover .... Someone who loves me for who I am
Someone who makes me laugh with his sense of humor
Someone who understands & trusts me
Someone who cajoles me when I'm depressed
Someone who gives me hope
Someone who is generous
Someone who is liberal
Someone who is a chatterbox & a great listener like me ;)
And the other eight people who should do this:
- Rohini
- Incognito
- Vivekanand
- Divya
- Asankhaya
- Ravi
- Michael
- Sowmiya
Author: ArChaNaR
•1:28 PM
Got up early today at 6:00 am to see whether my cell phone alarm is working or not{which i do that daily} ;) . After switching off I went back to sleep and finally I had to wake up at 8:30 'coz uday won't stop talking. He shouts "archana get up.. i need something to eat". I got up with a crying face ;) for disturbing my sleep and made breakfast for him. While leaving he said "If you had to choose between food and sleep , I'm sure you'd opt for sleep! " I replied back "sahi jawab" (immitating Amitabh Bachan from KBC) lolz!!
My day wouldn't start off without a visit to my blog ;) {any new comments?} and started checking my frns blogs , and then my messenger for any offline messages, and finally my e-mails. I was surprised to see 100 messages .. some were spam, s
ome silly funny fwds from friends { Warning: don't send me fwds daily .. plzzz .. but still i get 'em daily} can't consume 20 fwds in a day. Finally I decided to create filters for all of them.
Ah! how can I forget The 'Bad Bad server, No Donut for you' guy. Its been a week since I scrapped my frns .. every time I scrap my frn , the bad bad guy shows up. :((
So I said bye-bye to the bad guy.
Later I saw an email from Monster Career Newsletter with the subject being Test your Business Ethics. I always ignored the emails from Monster as most of them were like update your resume or from my Monster job search agent or an invite to the job fair located near my place.
This time it really caught my eye. I always like the idea of taking a test which improves your IQ or tests like 'test your wordpower' etc. This was something different, something related to Business. Being a Marketing student these topics always fascinate me. And decided to check my IQ in this one.
I started taking the test. I thought I would score the least but at the end of every question I was surprised to see that my answer was right. And guess what guys I scored 4 out of 5 questions.
My Business Ethics are sound! Congratulations!
was happy to see that line.
So guys gear up for the test and lets see how much you scored. The questions are very simple.
Here's one of the questions which i scored wrong.
- You're doing a yearlong occupational therapy internship at a local nonprofit preschool where some of the children have special needs. Most of these children's families are eligible for financial assistance from the county.
You suspect some of the families are understating their household incomes so they can receive more aid. One particular case involves an unmarried man and woman with a 2-year-old daughter. The family only reports the mother's income, thus boosting the daughter's financial assistance package by almost 50 percent.
You know the daughter would not be able to receive any of the services she's getting from your school without this money, and you know the child is benefiting physically and psychologically from the therapy she's receiving.
What Do You Do?
Click here for your answer and the rest of the questions::
p.s: Dont get scared looking at the photo.. it's just me ;)
Author: ArChaNaR
•7:29 PM
Read this explanation that google gave for a keyword search - "Rang de basanti loose control lyrics".
word of the worlds - 26 visits - 8:21pmRang De Basanti - When I heard the title , it reminded me of the movie Sholay (
Hema Malini’s ... Loose Control :). 2. Masti ki Paathshala, Be a Rebel ... - 48k - Cached - Similar pages - Remove result
I started laughing when I read this line
"it reminded me of the movie Sholay ( Hema Malini’s ... Loose Control :) " !
One more time ... goog goog google guffaw! ;)
Author: ArChaNaR
•2:06 PM

Since you came into my life,
I've looked forward to each sunrise,
the early morning,
with me in your arms,
the midnight skies with us
beneath the zillion stars,
moves me.
You make me feel like no one else could.
I like the person I'am when I'm with you.
You bring a part of me that
I never knew existed,
a part that was born with our first kiss.
You made me complete;
now I have a reason to try;
now I have a cause,
a reason to believe
in all the wonderful things
that life has to offer.
You took my hand and
drew me into the light,
and you saw in me all the qualities
that no one has ever noticed.
You gave me hope,
pride and love.
Yes I love you
for all the reasons and
for so much more.
I love you for being yourself,
and I love you
because of the person you made me.
I love you!