•11:37 AM

Sometimes I wonder, do you need a special day to express your love towards your mom or how she makes a difference in your lives. I never thought about this all my life. As a kid, I never knew what Mother's Day was or that there was a special day dedicated to the mothers from across the globe. When it got popular like Valentines Day, I just went with the crowd, buy a cute or meaningful card and flowers to my mom. I never took it to heart or so seriously as I do now. Then, I did all that so that I could answer to my friends. It was more like a prestige amongst my friends. Yes, there were times when I forgot and make up the next day with a cute card which said " You rock mom. Happy mother's Day."
Even when I was in college, I gave more importance to Valentines' day and why wouldn't I. I was studying in the prestigious college and guys asking you for a date was like as if the spotlight is on you amongst many others. Sure it was fun.
Today, I'm in my mid 20's and a mom for the first time, I realize the importance of being a mother and this day. Until then you take her for granted. Sure you would go to her when you are hurt, when you got highest marks in school, you please her when you want to go to a movie with friends and let her take the blame when your father scolds you, it's endless! For anything, you approach her. She listens patiently to your boring conversation, even if its the 100th time you are saying, she gives you moral support when nobody believes in you, she is your best friend when everyone befriends you, she cries when you get hurt. She cares for you and I think she deserves a day off and so on this day, I want to tell my mother Thank You for being there all the times and I Love You mom. You Rock! and this time I mean it.
Picture courtesy:Mother & Child